from TheExaminer Website
War is a false concept and mock identity in the natural order of the universe and in the natural order of the human species.
We are all interconnected, gloriously and inescapably entangled as quantum physicists now explain and yogis have always taught, serving intricate functions, whether consciously or mostly unconsciously, in a cohesive and harmonious multidimensional construct that is vital and alive. 1967 USSR UFO Postage Stamp
Human beings, as Nature, maintain effortlessly a natural balance in which all elements serve and are guided by the whole. Our value is in ‘us’ and diminished when thought in terms of merely ‘I’. Therefore, the very foundation and premise of war, a violent conflict between illusionary divisions in the ‘we’ that is all is not even possible in this natural order.
Frictions and disagreements are possible, but not war. In fact the very idea is absurd to humanity and to human evolution.
So how can our
current situation of reality be explained if this cohesive unity is a fact
of our very being?
Humans, no
matter the distance, are linked and inter-dependant like cells in a great
body that is well and balanced. Therefore, something outside of the
natural order could only be responsible for introducing this mutation.
This concept, the unhealthy, illusionary ‘I’ as separate is not inherent
to our species, but was introduced by off planet non-human
Individualism takes on the guise of a false free will that childishly insists on its power, yet does not even vaguely grasp its place and choices within the universal scope. Illusion and the limitations of the input of the five senses becomes a foundation for a rationalism and scientific elitism that ignores or scorns intuitive input of the unseen planes of existence.
The human
psychic ability that once disciplined opens the door to direct
intelligence and experience of source is not taught to the children or
anyone at all.
Yet this job is
ours to integrate and synthesize all that is now before us, for in this
process we find our strength once again of our wholeness and our
excitingly diversifying inter-connectedness.
It is critical for those who rise to this important charge be deeply aware and even masterfully engaged with this untainted foundation of our species. We cannot take the mutation of war into space; we must not allow such a tyranny to pollute our best path forward.
Those still complicit to the lesser mind of war, those lost as slaves to unconscious habit must be compassionately led out of all offices of power and replaced. Those who comprehend our natural safety and security in cooperation and openness are called into action.
UFO - NASA - UFO Missed by Ground Based Energy Pulse
The public polls can no longer remain remedial by questioning only,
Long the answer has reflected the majorities affirmative and now must mature to its next level.
It is time for our population to face the choice of communication with extraterrestrial and ‘non-local’ beings.
of this question and its answer takes us all to the next step in becoming
galactic citizens and prepares us for a conscious participation in the
making of our new course.